On The Wings Of Grace

On The Wings Of Grace By Loren Lewisohn

copyright 2005

When the mind is no longer in turmoil, the true seeker, the consciousness within us, becomes established in its pure nature.
-Patanjali Yoga Sutra (1,2,3)

In consideration of possibilities for living more consciously, how is it that each of us can actualise our highest, most profound visions of wholeness? The real progress, as always, is in the quality of authentic awakening. Through the artful process of enlightening self- integration, evolution spawns infinite possibilities for growth and renewal. Embracing our life journeys as meaningful quests for inspired well-being, the realisation is that the process of creative synergy reveals an ongoing synthesis of enlightened energetics – mandalic in scope.

An essential part of our divine enfoldment is related to universal archetypes, which flourish as mandalas present in Nature and human created art. Combining attractive well-balanced symmetrical design with harmonious colors, mandalas are endearing. These beautiful creations not only demonstrate high degrees of artistic prowess, but also are sensitive portraits of ageless spiritual themes. So often, the human tendency is to create illusions of separation from the divine, via thoughts and acyivities that are askew from the wholeness principle. The basic blure print of divine love is continually revealing in its inherent perfection, as immortal sustainable wisdom.

In the words of Slovenian-born, internationally acclaimed, mandala artist, healer, yoga teacher, Ms.Viviana Siddhi: “The word mandala, derived from Sanskrit, means sacred circle of life and all that it contains. It is a symbol of healing and wholeness in spiritual traditions around the world since ancient times. In many traditions and cultures, sacred symbols are used in the mandala art as tools of concentration and meditation. These also serve to assist physical, psychological and spiritual renewal. This tradition is quite ancient in archaic societies; man viewed himself as part of Nature, and Nature as integral to himself. In possession of this unity, he used sacred symbols which enabled him to see himself as part of the sacred cosmos, breathing and moving with life wherein all elements of existence were interlinked.”

The universe is a holographic mobius of infinite proportions, from which this sacred framework, limitless evolution transpires. According to Viviana, (who has been painting mandalas for over 26 years): “Sacred circular symbols and other universal geometric forms are the symbolic language of living spirit. If they are made in a meditative state, they are pure information from the universe. We are all light beings with unique missions. As soon as we open our hearts to this creation, we gain deep peace. We have nothing to lose. Our life is a learning journey of unconditional love. Mandalic forms and scintillating colors are purveyors of health and transformation.”

Another creative artist/researcher, Judith Cornell – a worldwide seminar leader in the field of psychology, philosophy, science, and spirituality, comments: “The sacred art of the mandala reflects the soul or luminous consciousness, the essence of who we really are, an empowering path to well being and self-knowledge. Mandalas reflect the harmony and beauty of non-material reality, our essential spiritual nature. The sacred art of the mandala, mirroring the vibration, light of consciousness, can be viewed, as the creative link between science and religion, consciousness and God, are one and the same. The whole universe creatively arises out of this one light of consciousness as ever-changing electromagnetic patterns of energy. The mandala in its highest tantric representation is a symbolic pattern of light and sound, reflecting the evolution of the universe and the supreme, blissful realization of the soul or higher-self within the human body/mind remembering and experiencing itself as a spark of the original pure clear light of consciousness.”

Reflecting on mandalic art, Viviana comments: “For the mind, all paintings are alive – they breathe, glow and carry in themselves the power of the unconscious. When one discovers one’s unconscious, the long journey to growth, self-respect, creativity and light begins. One’s view of life suddenly, radically changes. There is no understanding of time and space for the spirit. The paintings are in the eternal present… they are alive. The soul can feel and hear only the present. It witnesses omnipresence through Nature and reveals enlightenment through the sensibility of deep feeling and acceptance of intuition. This seed is enlivened in the heart.

Along the spine in the human body are seven major mandala vortexes of creative energy called chakras. Each of these centers contains different vibratory rays of colored light and sound, which regulate the body and mind. When we absorb life with the eyes of the heart, we intuitively recognize that we are no longer seekers of life, but just simply – are… As we move, the whole universe moves, and this is the space of unity with life, with Nature, with God.”

It was with thoughts of experiencing sacred space, and receiving firsthand glimpses of some mandalic creations painted by Viviana, I made a pilgrimage to a well-known place of worship – venerable Grace Cathedral located in downtown San Francisco. Here is what transpired:

The most remarkable aspects of the Cathedral, aside from the depth of the cavernous interior and the spaciousness of a plethora of vaulted Gothic arches, is a circuitous mandalic labyrinth that draws ones attention. According to A Pocket Guide to Labyrinths courtesy of Marilyn Larson and Leslie Schultz: “This pattern, recently popularized in the USA by the work of the Reverend Dr.Lauren Artress, is among the most frequently encountered patterns. The most famous is the pattern inscribed within France’s Chartres Cathedral. Its shape and complexity was created in 1202 C.E. The eleven-circuit design, organized into four quadrants, is a variation of the concentric circle pattern reputedly walked by pilgrims, as a metaphor for the journey to Jerusalem. These medieval church labyrinths illustrate the allegory of Christ’s life and destiny. Thousands of people discovered the modern applications of this powerful and accessible way to cultivate inner peace. Labyrinth patterns are tools for centering the mind. These patterns are examples of a sophisticated technology for asking a question, considering the question from all angles, and then listening deeply with the whole self. The combination of outer movement and inner stillness allows insights to surface. Labyrinths offer an immediate way to step into the present moment, the place where linear time and eternity meet.” This is the right moment that we connect with Viviana’s painting entitled “God’s Presence” as a way to deepen the divine experience.
A striking example of mandalic art, as a way to deepen the divine experience, is Viviana’s painting entitled “God’s Presence” – a large 5’x5′ circular mandala that Grace Cathedral received as a gift from Reverend Colby A.Cogswell. Viviana states: “If we meditate on the mandala, which reveals the power to collapse time and space and bring us into the very heart of healing, the place where we dissolve into oneness, we are drawn into the very light of creation itself, as well as inspired, uplifted and in touch with the higher- self, with “our own true nature”. There is a feeling of comming home. We enter into the divine consciousness from which that archetype emanates.”

The direct experience of unitive Presence is a tangible blessing inside Grace Cathedral highlighting ever-available luminous possibilities. Omnipresence is one great truth!